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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bubye July, you know you're my favorite amongst all the months :)

It has been awhile since my last update and I have been very lazy to do anything. All I did was reading. Didn't even spend time for taking pictures, BAD Jessica!
Seriously, I may be the laziest blogger that you happened to follow unfortunately :(

So I haven't post anything for awhile and July is about to end. So what have I been doing in that long period of time you ask? Being lazy of course cos that's my forte. Haha! All I've been doing were reading, looking at pictures that would inspire me to do some photography for this upcoming semester break, celebrating my birthday with family ( in a small, very humble and very easy way), celebrating birthday with friends that I love ( they had a surprise party for my friends whom also born in july and I), texting, calling, television'ing', tweeting, go to class, study a little bit, assignments. I have stated clearly how uninteresting my life is, how pathetic. EEK /: 

Met Joel ( the boyfriend) on the 30th of July. Dating with him feels refreshing. Why I say it's refreshing? That's because we don't get to date all the time like most couples do. We only get to see each other for our monthly date ( yes, MONTHLY! It means we only date and see each other once a month). When we are finally reunited, it feels like we just coupled a few months ago and everything we do together seemed new and not boring. That's how we keep our love on fire :)

So July flies so fast and before I even realize, tomorrow is the first day of August. Many important dates on that month. My bro's and Joel's birthday, our anniversary :) Can't wait for that! I also can't wait for my final exam. I WANT MY SEMESTER BREAK TO COME FAST! But before that, have to struggle to get better grades to improve my CGPA, highly motivated ^_^

There's TWO things that I'm disappointed with myself, one of it is lack of taking pictures. I think I have rusted ALOT and it's TOTALLY NOT COOL MAN. Secondly, I bought a smartphone Samsung Galaxy S i9000 and left me broke. Yes, no money. NO ME GUSTA and I saw so many pretty clothes online that I want for myself. If only money grows on tree, if only :(

BTW, I have just created a new blog. It's a blog for Joel and I to post anything. It may be about us, what's interesting, random stuff. Here's the link to the blog and feel free to follow. :)

August, please be good to me. Puasa month, please let me stray away from the temptation of eating :)

Enough ramblings for now. Until next post!

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